On November 21, Mona from LHLI International and Christina from NORAD visited the Ngwenya Lung Rehabilitation Center to take part in rehabilitation…
Paradiso TB Patients Trust lung rehabilitation project is specifically designed to aid post TB patients. This initiative operates across various TB clubs in Lilongwe, Dedza,…
It was on 19 th July, 2023 when the Technical Advisor Miss Mara Kumbweza Banda wasinformed that Hasnati Lulanga was being heavily stigmatized because of her…
This is a story about Yamikani, a young boy who is currently staying with one of our…
Under the umbrella of the LHI grant, Paradiso TB Patients Trust runs various programs, one of which is focused on Orphans and Vulnerable…
In the pursuit of excellence and accountability in the year of 2021, Paradiso TB Patients Trust undertakes quarterly supervisory visits to districts, ensuring the accuracy…
In our ongoing mission to empower communities and foster accountability, Paradiso TB Patients Trust undertook a targeted training initiative aimed at enhancing the…
In 2020, Daniel Bernard, a 20-year-old resident of Chikanda village in Zomba district, faced a daunting challenge when he was diagnosed with Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis…