Our Events

Meeting with the first Lady Monica Chakwera

State House Lilongwe, Malawi

Join us for a transformative event! Dr. James Mpunga, Program Manager for NTLEP, applauds Malawi's TB Champion role and Her Excellency's commitment to ending TB, reducing gender disparities, and tackling […]

Media Science Cafe

Capital Hotel Lilolngwe, Lilongwe, Malawi

We're facing both tough challenges and good opportunities in our mission to end TB. To help us reach our goal, there are efforts to make sure everyone knows about TB […]

Jamilah Meghji Post TB Visit

Join us for a special event as we host Jamilah Meghji, a pioneer of Post TB Health Programs. Witness firsthand their visit to our local NGO to observe our operations. […]

Exchange Visit-IBF Visit Paradiso

Paradiso recently welcomed In But Free visitors from Zambia on an exchange visit. The visit provided an opportunity for our guests to gain knowledge on post TB and its challenges. […]