On the 24th of March, every year, Malawi stands in solidarity with nations worldwide to commemorate World TB Day. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic since 2019, Malawi’s Ministry of Health, through the National TB and Leprosy Elimination Program (NTLEP), in 2022 persistently issued press releases to mark this important day. During this year the program year no different to other years where there was no covid 19 pandemic. NTLEP convened a press briefing at the prestigious Crossroads Hotel’s Sapitwa Hall in Lilongwe. Among the esteemed attendees was Paradiso TB Patients Trust, a local organization deeply committed to the fight against tuberculosis. Representing Paradiso was Mr. Fred Kaliati, the Quality Assurance Officer, accompanied by the vibrant Ngwenya TB Club dancing troops. As the event unfolded, the theme for the year resonated: “Invest to end TB; Save lives.” The atmosphere was charged with determination and resolve as stakeholders, policymakers, and advocates came together to address the pressing issue of tuberculosis in Malawi. The highlight of the briefing was the presence of the Minister of Health, Honorable Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, MP, as the guest of honor. In her remarks, the minister applauded the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders in the fight against TB. She highlighted the encouraging decline in the number of presumptive TB cases compared to the other years, attributing this success to the concerted efforts of local organizations like Paradiso. Specifically acknowledging Paradiso’s pivotal role, the minister urged other organizations to emulate their effective strategies in their respective areas of operation. It was a moment of pride for Paradiso, affirming their commitment and impact in the battle against tuberculosis. Before the minister’s address, the WHO country representative reiterated the urgency of taking a resolute stance against TB, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Emphasizing the importance of increased investment and domestic funding for healthcare, she stressed the need for government engagement with communities to achieve the ambitious goal of ending TB by 2035. Amidst the discussions and reflections, Paradiso dancers took the stage, their energetic performances symbolizing the spirit of and unity in the fight against TB. As the event concluded, participants departed with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The commemoration of World TB Day served as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility to invest, advocate, and act decisively in the fight against tuberculosis, paving the way for a healthier and TB-free future for all Malawians.

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