paradiso volunteers recieving bycyles for easy transpotatiion
In a visionary move to empower TB clubs and enhance the effectiveness of community health volunteers, Paradiso TB Patients Trust embarked on a bicycle distribution initiative across seven districts in 2020. Mchinji, Dowa, Lilongwe, Dedza, Zomba, Phalombe, and Neno became beneficiaries of this program, strategically chosen due to Paradiso’s active presence and collaboration with volunteers in these areas. The initial attempt in 2019 faced logistical challenges, such as transportation issues and assembling costs, hindering the successful distribution of bicycles. Learning from this experience, the programs manager Mr. Limbani Mbetewa in head office in Lilongwe, adapted their approach in 2020, incorporating the distribution within other program activities like training and supervision sessions. This adjustment proved successful, resulting in the distribution of four bicycles to each district. The symbolic moment of handing over bicycles to the Neno District Coordinator, with Zalewa TB Club members present, marked a significant step towards addressing transportation challenges faced by dedicated volunteers. Miss Emily Phungwako, Coordinator of Neno district, expressed gratitude to the management team for recognizing the need for bicycles. She highlighted the substantial impact on volunteers who often travel long distances to visit clients, underscoring how this initiative directly contributes to improved visitation frequency and follow-ups on health issues. In a motivational address, Miss Thandi Nsukuma, District Coordination Manager, emphasized the importance of proper bicycle care. She articulated that these bicycles are not just means of transportation but tools that empower volunteers to reach and attend to TB patients efficiently. Moreover, they serve as vehicles for disseminating TB information to areas that were previously challenging to access. All TB clubs in the seven districts under Paradiso received 4 bicycles. The donation not only addresses transportation challenges but also bolsters the volunteers’ ability to provide timely and comprehensive care to TB patients, thereby strengthening the fight against tuberculosis at the grassroots level. Paradiso TB Patients Trust is committed to improving the conditions and resource available to volunteers. We are dedicated to community health and work tireless to create a positive impact in the lives of those affected by TB.

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